How to Tell If Your UTI is Minor or Severe

Signs of Uti

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a relatively common ailment, with almost half of women worldwide saying they’ve had a UTI at some point. There are several signs that are easy to recognize. UTI symptoms include feeling a burning sensation every time you urinate, or when you go to the bathroom frequently, passing little urine. Feeling pressure or even pain in your lower abdomen or your back may also be a sign. Other symptoms include foul-smelling urine, or if it is cloudy or even bloody. While having a UTI you might feel tired and experience fever or chills.

What is a UTI?

A urinary tract infection is an infection in any part of your urinary system – kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Women are at a greater risk of developing a UTI than men. So what are the causes of UTIs? In women, it may be caused by wiping from back to front after using the bathroom as this can introduce bacteria in the urethra. Sexual intercourse may also be responsible for getting a UTI, and often, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and UTIs share common symptoms. UTI’s can be transmitted from one person to another. Other causes of UTI can include:

  • Lack of proper hygiene 
  • Some birth control methods 
  • Having kidney stones 
  • Not drinking enough water 

Being a diabetic or being pregnant will make you more prone to these infections also.

When Should I Worry?

An unchecked UTI can turn into a very serious kidney infection. In can also become a blood infection if you do not treat it right away, or turn into a life-threatening problem. A UTI may happen anywhere along the urinary tract, though some parts are more problematic than others. For example, the urethra is easier to deal with than the opposite end – your kidneys.

The best time to worry and do something about it? The second you realize you have a UTI. If treated properly and early on, a UTI is barely a problem and is more of an annoyance, as it may itch or burn. Unchecked, however, it can lead to serious consequences.

What Should I Do?

The first thing you should do upon realizing you have a UTI is seeking out medical attention. Have your doctor test your urine for UTI and listen to the doctor’s recommendations and advice. The typical course of action will be to take antibiotics in order to fight the infection. Cranberry is often recommended as it seems to fight the bacteria that tends to cause UTIs but do not expect cranberry juice to be a cure. 

If you think you might be suffering from a UTI, go to one of the 60+ Exer Urgent Care clinics today and start feeling better immediately. We pride ourselves on our convenience, efficiency, and cost, providing fast, professional service without a long wait. 

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